Programme and Topics
Invited Speakers
Abstracts and Posters
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Selection of abstracts

Abstracts will be evaluated based on their scientific merit and relevance to the Conference themes. Those authors whose abstracts are selected will be invited to give either an oral or a poster presentation at the Conference. All decisions regarding acceptance of abstracts will be made by 30 November 2009, at which point in time the corresponding author will be notified of the acceptance or otherwise. Other authors will not be informed independently.

Oral and poster sessions

Both oral and poster sessions will be held at CECS. Detailed programme schedules can be found in the 'Programme and Topics' link. The oral presentations and posters must be in English, the official language of the Conference. Simultaneous translation between English and Spanish will be available for session attendees.


Authors should indicate whether they intend to submit a paper for publication. A special issue of the electronic journal The Cryosphere will be published (Copernicus GmbH (Copernicus Publications) on behalf of the European Geosciences Union (EGU),

Distribution of abstracts

A set of the accepted abstracts will be provided to the participants upon registation on 31 January 2010.

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Opening Discourse

Abstract Book
