Wednesday, March 7th 2018
15:00-17:50 Registration (and put up ALL posters, odd and even numbers)
18:00-18:15 Welcome: L. Felipe Barros (Chile)
18:15-18:25 Words from Dieter Uslar (Colun SA, Chile)
18:25-19:25 Plenary Lecture
Gerald A. Dienel (USA)
Aerobic glycolysis during brain activation
Gerald A. Dienel (USA)
Mary McKenna (USA) and
Ignacio Fernández-Moncada
19:25-19:35 A Tribute to Leif Hertz (1930-2018)
Arne Schousboe (Denmark) and
Mary McKenna (USA)
19:35-21:30 Opening Reception
Thursday, March 8th 2018
08:45-09:10 25 Years of ICBEM History
Mary McKenna (USA)
09:10-10:40 O2 metabolism & sensing
Bruno Weber (Switzerland) and
Elisa York (Canada)
S1: Sergey Vinogradov (USA)
Dynamic imaging of oxygen in the brain
S2: Alexander Gourine (UK)
Astrocytes as CNS metabolic sensors
S3: Ray Swanson (USA)
Bioenergetic regulation of microglia
10:40-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-13:00 Student awardee presentations
Michael Robinson (USA) and
Gilles Bonvento (France)
Anna Hadjihambi (UK),
Antoine Cherix (Switzerland),
Elisa York (Canada),
Emil Jakobsen (Denmark),
Marianne Maugard (France),
Ernesto Miquel (Uruguay),
Nina Klimova (USA),
Felipe Baeza Lehnert (Chile),
Zoe Looser (Switzerland),
Jens Andersen (Denmark),
Sarah Rice (USA),
Ignacio Fernández-Moncada (Chile)
13:00-14:30 LUNCH
14:30-15:30 Students/postdoc pitches "Why you should come to my poster"
Kelly Drew (USA) and
Jens Andersen (Denmark)
15:30-17:30 Bioenergetics and mitochondrial metabolism
Sandra Hewett (USA) and
Iván Ruminot (Chile)
S4: Caroline Rae (Australia)
Acetate and β-hydroxybutyrate in brain metabolism
S5: Charlotte Stagg‡ (UK)
Role of glutamate/GABA/glutamine metabolism in brain plasticity and
neurological recovery
S6: Jakob Nissen‡ (Denmark)
Is glutamate metabolism via glutamate dehydrogenase important for
brain mitochondrial metabolism?
17:30-19:30 Poster session I (odd numbers) with coffee, wine and cheese
Friday, March 9th 2018
09:00-11:00 Mitochondrial trafficking
Arne Schousboe (Denmark) and
Mariane Maugard (France)
Special Imaging Talk (40 min + 20 min discussion)
Zu Hang Sheng (USA)
Mitochondrial transport and energy homeostasis in neuronal
degeneration and regeneration
S7: Mike Robinson (USA)
Physiologic and pathologic implications of functional interactions
between astrocytic glutamate transport, calcium, and mitochondria
S8: Gary Yellen (USA)
Neuronal metabolic response to stimulation studied with fluorescent
11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-12:20 Mitochondria/energy production/ROS
Johannes Hirrlinger (Germany) and
Zoe Looser
S9: Juan Bolaños (Spain)
The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation organization in neurons
and astrocytes determine brain redox bioenergetics
S10: Margaret Rice (USA)
Dynamic regulation of neuronal activity and transmitter release
12:20-13:40 LUNCH
13:40-18:30 Afternoon Excursion
18:30-20:30 Evening discussion groups and dinner
Session organizers: Ray Swanson (USA) and Blanca Aldana
20:30-22:30 Poster session II (even numbers) with coffee, wine and cheese
Saturday, March 10th 2018
09:00-10:30 NAD+ homeostasis and salvage pathways
Caroline Rae (Australia) and
Carlos Díaz-García (USA)
S11: Tibor Kristian (USA)
Multi-targeted effect of nicotinamide mononucleotide in amelioration
of ischemic brain damage
S12: Felipe Court (Chile)
Schwann cell exosomes mediate neuron–glia communication and
enhance axonal regeneration
S13: Marcelo Vargas (USA)
Enhancing NAD+ salvage in astrocytes to prevent astrocyte-mediated
motor neuron death
10:30-10:50 motor neuron death
10:50-11:50 Glycogen role and relationship to glucose metabolism and
Joao Duarte (Sweden) and
Louis-Philippe Bernier (Canada)
S14: Hajime Hirase (Japan)
Brain glycogen distribution by glycogen immunohistochemistry in the
S15: Jordi Duran (Spain)
Glycogen metabolism in astrocytes and neurons
11:50-13:20 LUNCH
13:20-14:50 Neuronal - glial interactions modulating neurotransmission,
wakefulness and injury
Susanna Scafidi (USA) and
Kelly Chamberlain (USA)
S16: Detlev Boison (USA)
Adenosine and A2A receptor modulation of neuronal-glial interactions
and synaptic plasticity
S17: Kelly Drew (USA)
Seasonal rhythm in A1 adenosine receptor signaling in hibernation
S18: Sandra Hewett (USA)
System xc- exacerbates striatal symptomology and pathology
induced by systemic administration of 3-nitroproprionic acid in female
14:50-15:15 Coffee break
15:15-16:15 How metabolism influences behavior
Yuri Zilberter (France) and
Maria Eugenia Guitart
S19: Claire Rittschof‡ (USA)
Honey bee aggression: brain energy metabolism predicts behavior
and responds to social cues
S20: Pierre-Yves Plaçais‡ (France)
An upregulation of energy metabolism in the Drosophila mushroom
body triggers long-term memory formation
16:15-16:45 Postdoc awardee presentations
L. Felipe Barros (Chile) and
Mary McKenna (USA)
P14 Carlos Díaz-García (USA)
Synaptic stimulation increases glucose utilization in dentate granule
P10 Kelly Chamberlain (USA)
Axon-glial interactions: oligodendrocyte-mediated enhancement of
axonal [ATP] in health and injury
P8 Louis-Philippe Bernier (Canada)
Rapid plasticity of microglial metabolism sustains immune surveillance
of the brain parenchyma
16:45-17:00 Closing comments and evaluation
17:00-17:10 14th ICBEM meeting information Gerald A. Dienel (USA)
18:10-22:00 Boat ride and Farewell Dinner